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Organisations involved:
UoB - The University of Birmingham
EwC - Edelweiss Connect GmbH
UKRI - United Kingdom Research and Innovation
NTUA - National Technical University of Athens
NUID-UCD - National University of Ireland Dublin - University College Dublin
BfR - Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung
PLUS - Universitat Salzburg / Paris Lodron University of Salzburg
NovaM - NovaMechanics Ltd
BIOMAX - BIOMAX Informatics AG
UM - Universiteit Maastricht
DU - Duke University
OSU - Oregon State University
Webinar recording
Public communication
Peer-reviewed publication
Written tutorial
Related events:
2018-10-09 - 1st NanoCommons Hackathon on “Ontological Annotation of Datasets”
2018-10-09 - OpenTox Euro 2018
2018-12-13 - OpenRiskNet/NanoCommons ontology meeting
2019-03-10 - SOT 58th Annual Meeting and ToxExpo
2019-03-27 - NIA's 8th Annual Symposium - 2019
2019-05-16 - SusChem Workshop: "Towards a New SusChem SIRA"
2019-05-22 - NanoGenTools Spring School, Alessandria, Italy
2019-05-22 - Piemonte Spring School
2019-06-12 - EuroNanoForum 2019
2019-06-25 - Introduction of the Nanoparticle protein Corona Modelling Tool
2019-07-01 - 4th NanoCommons General Assembly Meeting
2019-07-04 - Joint NanoCommons – NanoSolveIT – RISKGONE Meeting
2019-09-01 - ICEENN 2019 (International Conference on Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials)
2019-09-09 - 1st International Young Scientist Forum (IYSF)
2019-09-11 - 12th International Particle Toxicology Conference (IPTC)
2019-09-25 - Science is Wonderful
2019-10-07 - NanoSafety Cluster Week
2019-10-15 - EU-U.S. NanoEHS Communities of Research (CORs) Workshop
2019-10-23 - OpenRiskNet Final Workshop
2019-10-29 - Building Confidence for Risk Assessment and Governance of Nanomaterials: the caLIBRAte project
2019-10-29 - OpenTox Euro 2019
2019-10-31 - Nano-Risk Governance Portal: Introduction and Launch
2019-11-05 - EPPN Workshop (European Network for Pilot Production Facilities and Innovation Hubs)
2019-11-19 - Boosting Innovation for EU Industry
2019-12-13 - Ontology Hackathon NanoSafety Cluster
2019-12-17 - Optimal descriptors: genesis, state of the art, future
2020-02-28 - Functional nanoporous carbonaceous materials workshop
2020-03-10 - 12th NanoTrust Conference
2020-03-13 - Ontology Meeting
2020-03-22 - Venice Spring School - Nanosafety Training School: From Basic Science To Risk Governance - POSTPONED
2020-04-02 - 1st Virtual Meeting with the Young Nano Scientist
2020-04-02 - Ontology Meeting
2020-04-28 - Annotating Your Experimental Data workshop
2020-05-18 - EOSC-hub Week 2020
2020-06-03 - Online Jaqpot Hackathon - Take your research from the bench to the community by making your models available as a web service
2020-06-24 - SmartNanoTox International Online Conference
2020-07-14 - Online Electronic Lab Notebook basics - Hackathon
2020-09-16 - 2020 U.S.-EU NanoEHS COR Workshop: Bridging Insights and Perspectives
2020-11-16 - EU Nanosafety Cluster Education Day @ NanoSAFE 2020 Digital Conference
2020-11-23 - EU Nanosafety Cluster Training Day @ NanoSAFE 2020 Digital Conference
2020-11-27 - European Researchers Night 2020
2021-03-23 - Online SPARQL Access to WikiPathway and AOP-Wiki Webinar
2021-04-13 - Online QSAR Modelling Hackathon by Easy Access to Jaqpot: Deploy your model as a web service in a few minutes
2021-05-18 - Online MIE Prediction Tool Webinar
2021-06-21 - 10th Nanosafety Training School
2021-08-22 - 11th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Science
2021-09-27 - 56th Eurotox Conference - Personalized nano-immunotoxicology for the workplace
2021-11-09 - Interactive Workshop: If you want to go far go together - Collaborative research supported by NanoCommons transnational access
2021-11-11 - Total NanoSafe Hybrid Conference - From Molecules to Public Health
2021-11-18 - Assessing ethical impacts of nanomaterials in dentistry
2021-12-02 - The NanoCommons Knowledge Base: how to find all data for one nanomaterial across multiple data sources
2021-12-08 - Nanosafety and the semantic web: from natural language to computational processing
2022-01-13 - Electronic Lab Notebooks - Demo of NanoCommons-powered Features
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2022-04-07 - Instance maps: Breaking up your experiments into logical blocks
2022-05-15 - NanoSafety Training Week
2022-05-25 - InFRAMES kick-off meeting
2022-06-02 - Guiding Industry in the Nanoform Registration Process: An overview of the requirements by the different regulatory bodies & available infrastructure for safety assessment
2022-06-20 - NanoWeek and NanoCommons Final Conference
2022-10-17 - International Summit on Hematology and Blood disorders
2022-10-24 - 3rd Edition of Global Conference on Addiction Medicine, Behavioral Health and Psychiatry
2022-10-27 - Global Conference on Gynecology & Womens Health
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2023-11-27 - Online Conference On Advanced Nano Drug Delivery Systems
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2024-09-19 - Euro Nursing Congress
2024-09-19 - International Conference on Hematology and Blood Disorders
2024-09-19 - World Congress on Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Drug Development
2024-10-21 - 5th International Conference on Materials Science & Nanotechnology
2024-10-24 - Global Congress on Vaccines and Antibiotics
2024-10-24 - International Conference on Ophthalmology & Vision Science
2024-10-24 - World Congress on Organic Chemistry
2024-12-02 - 2nd International Conference on Surgery and Anesthesia
2025-04-23 - 3rd International Nursing Networking Conference
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2025-06-19 - Infectious Diseases Congress
2025-06-26 - Elliot Parker
2025-07-07 - 2nd Global Cell and Gene Therapy Summit
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