Instance maps: Breaking up your experiments into logical blocks
Activity details
On Thursday, April 7th 2022, the NanoCommons team, in a joint initiative with the NanoSafety Cluster, is offering an interactive online workshop on implementing Instance Maps for linking SOPs and data to Electronic Laboratory Notebooks (ELNs) for nanosafety assessment.
Instance maps have been designed to represent nanomaterial fate and transformations across their life cycle and to structure data curated from literature for the CEINT NanoInformatics Knowledge Commons (NIKC) database[1]. In line with NanoCommons’s overall goal of embedding data management activities much earlier in the experimental process[2], integrating the instance maps directly into the study design, protocol development and on-the-fly (meta)data recording can bring additional advantages, e.g., when presenting complex studies to others, as part of (meta)data completeness, and for reporting or retrieving specific information from one part of a study.
The training workshop presents how this is possible by:
- Presenting a prototype of a new graphical user interface ( for the easy generation of instance maps and to provide more detailed views on the individual experiments for characterization of the materials, their surroundings and the organisms being tested. (Thomas Exner)
- Show first approaches to link these maps to study design documentation and protocols generated and stored in the SciNote electronic lab notebook ( or just as separate text document and (meta)data in any format and how to generate complete datasets including all this information. (Thomas Exner)
- Present approaches for collaborative development of SOPs based in the instance maps especially concentrating on quality assurance measures. (Martin Himly, Iseult Lynch)
- Present future work for improving guidance based on reporting standards and curation templates replacing the simple approaches of 2). (Thomas Exner)
- Demonstration / hands-on (Martin Himly, Thomas Exner)
Target audience: Bench and computational scientists looking into automated ways to capture and retrieve data and making them available to the community.
Expectation: Willing to learn new things and active participation in the interactive training session.
The hackathon will take place on Thursday, April 7th from 15:00 till 17:00 h CEST.
Feel free to join and please do not forget to register here asap so we can tailor the workshop for your needs.
Please, be aware that some personal information may be collected for statistical purposes, however, in a blinded and anonymous way. The workshop will be partially recorded for educational purposes.
You will find updates with more information about NanoCommons and training materials here.
Feel free to redistribute this information within your projects and networks. We are happy to have as many participants as possible and to help the community with the FAIRification of their data by using Instance Maps and ELNs allowing nanosafety data annotation in a more straightforward way.
The NanoCommons team will be happy to answer your questions and to guide you in your requests!
[2] Papadiamantis et al., Metadata Stewardship in Nanosafety Research: Community-Driven Organisation of Metadata Schemas to Support FAIR Nanoscience Data. Nanomaterials 2020, 10 (10), 2033. 10.3390/nano10102033.