
Omics Data Analysis

The NanoCommons KnowledgeBase is based on the BioXM TM Knowledge Management Environment, a software developed over the last 15 years by Biomax Informatics AG and applied in multiple collaborative research projects and commercial environments. Within NanoCommons the following service is offered:
- Omics data analysis tools

The following methods are currently available to assess omics (gene expression, protein, metabolite) data quality and identify biological mechanisms and pathways associated with toxicity / adverse effects or to produce aggregated biologically enriched descriptors of nanomaterials:
1. Evaluation of data quality
2. Normalisation
3. Differential Expression Analysis
4. Functional Enrichment Analysis
5. Network reconstruction

Data Processing & Analysis
Applicability domain:
Hazard assessment, Risk assessment, Risk characterisation, Bioinformatics, Exposure assessment
Omics data analysis
Targeted industry:
Food and feed, Cosmetics, Drugs, Nanotechnology, Chemicals, Other consumer products
Targeted users:
Regulators, Researchers, Students, Risk assessors, Data modellers
Access type:

Provided by:
Biomax Informatics AG
Login required:

Transnational access

The NanoCommons Transnational Access (TA) is the ability of nanosafety researchers from industry, academia and regulatory bodies to access the state-of-the-art NanoCommons expertise free of charge and take advantage of the NanoCommons services, facilities and knowledge to advance their work, solve problems and take their research to the next level.

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