
NanoImage TEM Image Analysis Tool

Derive descriptors

NanoImage, part of the Jaqpot Platform, offers tools for analysis of electron microscopy images, allowing the user to derive descriptors for the materials directly from the images, offering distinct advantage over manual procedures, in terms of speed and ability to represent the whole sample. It simplifies the workload for microscope operators by automating procedures to capture measurements that express the frequency of occurrence of materials with certain dimensions/shapes or the presence of materials with outlier dimensions/shapes. The foundation of the application is the popular open source ImageJ software, used extensively within the research community, which the UPCI team made available as a web application. For Spherical particles, apart from the descriptors derived from ImageJ, we offer additional descriptors (porosity, sphericity, surface diameter, equivalent volume to surface, equivalent volume diameter). For Carbon Nanotubes, we currently offer width calculations, while other descriptor services are being developed. We welcome comments on the efficacy of NanoImage on other elongated structures, such as wires, nanowires or nanorods.

Data Processing & Analysis
Image analysis tool
API Type:
REST under OpenAPI2 specification
Applicability domain:
Hazard assessment, Risk assessment, Risk characterisation, Exposure assessment
Read-across, Information extraction, Physicochemical characterisation of nanomaterials
Targeted industry:
Cosmetics, Drugs, Nanotechnology, Chemicals
Targeted users:
Regulators, Data managers, Researchers, Students, Risk assessors, Data modellers
Access type:

Provided by:
National Technical University of Athens
GNU Lesser General Public License 3 (LGPLv3.0)
Login required:
Implementation status:
Graphical user interface (GUI) available
Technology readiness level:
TRL 7 – system prototype demonstration in operational environment

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