Online SPARQL Access to WikiPathway and AOP-Wiki Webinar
Activity details
On Tuesday 23rd March 2021, NanoCommons and NanoSolveIT teams, in a joint initiative with the NanoSafety Cluster, will offer an online webinar on the use of linked data resources such as WikiPathways and AOP-Wiki.
Linked data is basically structured data which is interlinked with other data so it becomes more useful through semantic queries. One way of doing this is through the integration of databases through RDF (Resource Description Framework, the standard model for data interchange) using the newly developed User Interfaces for WikiPathways and AOP-Wiki, providing a variety of useful features to facilitate exploring the databases and linking their data with other resources. The new features include a flexible, auto-populated query panel, SPARQL syntax highlighting, permalinks for SPARQL queries, and full-screen mode. The webinar will focus on the usability of the interface by walking through the various functionalities, and showing a variety of example queries against the WikiPathways[1] and AOP-Wiki data[2]. Furthermore, federated queries across resources will be executed to illustrate the strength of linked data. The webinar is for everyone who wants to learn how to use linked data resources such as WikiPathways and AOP-Wiki, and no preparations are necessary.
The expected duration is 45 minutes with time for discussion and support with queries afterwards.
Target audience: Bench and computational scientists looking into automated ways to capture and retrieve data and making them available to the community.
Expectation: Willing to learn new things and active participation in the interactive webinar.
The webinar will take place on Tuesday March 23rd from 15:00 till 16:00 h CET.
Feel free to join and please do not forget to register here:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Please, be aware that some personal information may be collected for statistical purposes, however, in a blinded and anonymous way. The workshop will be partially recorded for educational purposes.
You will find updates with more information about NanoCommons and training materials here.
Feel free to redistribute this information within your projects and networks. We are happy to have as many participants as possible and to help the community with the FAIRification of their data by offering insight into linking data resources in a more straightforward way.
The NanoCommons team will be happy to answer your questions and to guide you in your requests!
Organisations involved
Resources & Training materials
The NanoCommons and NanoSolveIT teams, in a joint initiative with the NanoSafety Cluster, offered an online webinar on the use of linked data resources such as WikiPathways and AOP-Wiki.
Linked data is basically structured data which is interlinked with other data so it becomes more useful through semantic queries. One way of doing this is through the integration of databases through RDF (Resource Description Framework, the standard model for data interchange) using the newly developed User Interfaces for WikiPathways (1) and AOP-Wiki, providing a variety of useful features to facilitate exploring the databases and linking their data with other resources. The new features include a flexible, auto-populated query panel, SPARQL syntax highlighting, permalinks for SPARQL queries, and full-screen mode. The webinar will focus on the usability of the interface by walking through the various functionalities, and showing a variety of example queries against the WikiPathways and AOP-Wiki data. Furthermore, federated queries across resources will be executed to illustrate the strength of linked data. The webinar is for everyone who wants to learn how to use linked data resources such as WikiPathways and AOP-Wiki, and no preparations are necessary.
You find here the entire slide set and a link the the recorded webinar plus infomation to further materials related to the topic of AOP.
Further supplementing literature:
(1) Martens M, Ammar A, Riutta A, Waagmeester A, Slenter DN, Hanspers K, Miller RA, Digles D, Lopes EN, Ehrhart F, Dupuis 4. LJ, Winckers LA, Coort SL, Willighagen EL, Evelo CT, Pico AR, Kutmon M. WikiPathways: connecting communities, 5. Nucleic Acids Research, 6. Volume 49, Issue D1, 8 January 2021, Pages D613–D621
(2) Martens, M; Evelo, C; Willighagen, E. (2021): Providing Adverse Outcome Pathways from the AOP-Wiki in Semantic Web 12. Format to Increase Usability and Accessibility of the Content. ChemRxiv. Preprint.
slide set